Principal's Message ( 2023-24 )

St. John’s Senior Secondary School is committed to provide an educational experience that is the richest, most diverse and most exciting in an atmosphere that provides support, encouragement and care for every child. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, it provides for the over all personal and social development of every child. We have created an environment to enable our children to fulfill their potential while developing into well mannered, well groomed, independent individuals with high self esteem.

Of course I wish that our students develop their talents and abilities that we as a school feel proud, to celebrate their achievements in various curricular and co curricular activities. But it seems to me that it is really important that we keep good perspectives and remember the things that really make life worthwhile. So, what would I wish for our students? Love your God, love your family and those around you and love yourself enough to become wonderful persons, God created – all the rest will follow!

Every child is endowed with certain unique gifts from God. Just as a flower bud blossoms with the warmth of the sun, the mystery of human life unfolds in them through our support and care. We inspire the young minds to have a passion for learning, a sense of social responsibility, and a commitment to personal integrity. ‘The more we live, the more we learn. The more we learn, the more we realize, the less we know.

Let us join together and move forward with a new enthusiasm and commitment.

Sr. Catherine Isthakky